MUTA - Marquee Saftey
MUTAmarq Best Practice, Standards & Accreditation

Why should I insist that my contractor be MUTAmarq accredited?

Under the Health & Safety at work act, clients have an obligation to select contractors who are competent for the job in hand. We would recommend that you also read up on client responsibilities.


What advantages are there for the client in using a MUTAmarq accredited contractor?

  • Confidence in competency
  • Health and Safety advice available from both the contractor and our full time professionals when needed
  • Safe installations backed up by random inspections
  • Contractual clarity through code of practice
  • Confidence in performance
  • Recourse via MUTAmarq in the event of safety problems (we can, and have, removed accreditation for serious or continuing breaches of our code)


What is MUTAmarq?

It is estimated that there are currently between 800 and 1000 marquee hire operators in the UK. Only approximately 12% of this number, which meet our demanding standards of quality, operation and safety, are accredited by MUTAmarq.

MUTAmarq administers the government approved fire certification scheme.

MUTAmarq’s parent body was founded in 1919, and is the UK’s only assessment centre for nationally recognised industry qualifications.

MUTAmarq operates the UK’s only independent inspectorate of marquee installations, to ensure both quality and safety.

MUTAmarq employs a full time health and safety professional to advise and check on site safety issues.

MUTAmarq administers the only industry skills card scheme, providing evidence of supervisors’ competency.


Why aren’t all marquee operators MUTAmarq certified?

Because MUTAmarq does not accept inexperienced applicants or those who are unable or unwilling, for whatever reason, to conform to the Code of Practice and exacting standards.


How can I be sure my contractor is MUTAmarq certified?

  • Ask to see a copy of their certificate and check for its validity and date. This gives you the reassurance that you are in safe hands
  • Look for the MUTAmarq logo

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